
Below: Karl Schomburg is working ·with Students Against Apartheid by releasing his political art for a $15 donation. Below Left: Mohammad Hassan showed his support for the Rainbow Rally. Photos by Tom Boyd. other as an essential part of achieving their mission– keeping this social catastrophe, "a crime against hu– manity", at the forefront of the American conscience and the political agenda, as a result. This year the group sponsored South African Awareness Night. A large number of people turned out in support and to just enjoy the festivities. The play "Never in a Thousand Years", by Salaelo Maredi was put onandThe Brown Sisters performed, but the highlight of the evening was the speaker, Lindiwe Mabuuza. Mubuuza, the U.S. representative of the African National Congress, served the last nine years in Scandinavian countries to bring understanding of the South African struggle to that part of the world -Gwen Thompson. 35