
The women's union provides · education, creative and advocacy for women. It coordinates and promotes and functions ot' particular to women. The union serves a resource and gives referrals for and communi~ orgarliza- They also sponsor and co– activities like workshops, • ·mort>rt.:: speakers, and social and FJlli.1La.L events. The women's union encourages -V1H\..H to bring their ideas to a sup– forum to enable the univer- si~ and student government to better meet women's needs. This year they have been work– ing on expanding the library and trying to create a more broad based network of resources, such as a crisis line, counselling, transitional shel– ters, food availabili~, and health care. "We're looking at expanding child care either at Helen Gordon or in other ways to meet the needs of women with children on campus which is a large percentage," said next year's coordinator Denise Morris about future plans. Other plans include a strong focus on education and conscious– raising, demystification of the women's uillon and the women's studies program. They also hope to build strong~r alliances with other unions. All people, regardless of race, age, or sexual orientation are en– couraged to visit the office, be– come involved as a volunteer, or apply for a practicum position. -Michelle Keesecker 33