
c 0 L 0 p H 0 N Cover: Fabrikoid - Mediteranean Blue 515 Custom Silkscreened -Applied Black Ink Designed by Tom Boyd Photo manipulated in Image Studio and imported to Aldus Freehand . End sheets: Sterling Silver 420 - Transicolor Paper Stock: 80 pound gloss with dull finish Spot Color: Navy Blue 540 Typography: Body copy is in 12 point Palatine, caption copy is 10 point Palatine Italic, most headline copy is Garamond Bold but some special graphic head lines use a variety of typefaces that were generated in Aldus Freehand. Design : Contents and feature pages were designed by Tom Boyd, mug pages were designed by Debbie Hollick and group pages were designed by Allison Howaro in Aldus Pagemaker onMacintosh lis. All pages were imagset in a Compugraphic 9400 lmagesetter. Photography: All editorial photos were taken by students working for the Student Publications staff. All photos not given credit were taken by Tom Boyd with a motor-driven Olympus bodies, and Zuiko 24, 35, 50, 85, 180, 300 millimeter lenses, and a Leica M-3 with a 21 millimeter f/3 .4 Super Angulon lens. All grouprhotos were taken by Tom Boyd and some were taken on a Rolleiflex 3.5 Twin Lens Reflex. Hollick used a Nikon 8008 with 35, 50 and 180 millimeter lenses. Student portraits were done by Yearbook Associates . Finances:The Incidental Fee Committee granted the Viking yeQrbook $3,000 on appeal after an initial denial. The rest of the revenue came from the sale ot books, ads, group photos and photo packages through Yearbook Associates . Publisher: Kay Soliday was th'e Josten's representative.