
Setting Sall .'f Portland State's ailing club has plashed onto the tational collegiate ailing sce:r:__e in a big vay. without its own boats, although five lasers - or single– handed craft - were purchased by the club. Because the "yYe're the only ailing club competes school in the district vithout coaches or that doesn't have its heir own boats, the own fleet of double- tationally ranked handed boats," said lub faces a stiff Bittner. 'We've been teadwind in seeking borrowing boats ecognition and from the Willamette unding. The sailors' Sailing Club to 989-90 season crest- practice with." dwith a win in the The WSC is one )istrict Dinghy Left : Tony Norris rides back to the Willamette Sailing Club's dock at John's Landing. of several organiza- \liminations, in Above: Joby Easton, Chris Bittner and Kerry Poe show their favorite spots on a sail. tions which the iellingham, Wash. The Vikings outpointed four other sailing club has enlisted for assistance in establishing the lub and varsity teams to earn the District's berth in the club. While the WSC provides moorage and boats, fund- )inghy Nationals in Boston, described as "The Indy ing has been another difficulty for the PSU club. 00 of collegiate sailing," by club member Jim Moore. "Most of our funding we get through the Sailing PSU scored 35 points to 46 by the University of Foundation in Seattle," Bittner said. "It's a non-profit Vashington and 48 by host Western Washington State. organization which supports sailing clubs in the form of ~oyal Roads followed with 77 and the University of grants." )regon had 120 in the regatta. The successes of the club aside, members are hoping Kerry Poe skippered the A fleet, with Joby Easton to foster enough interest to ensure the membership and screw, while Chris Bittner skippered the B fleet with skill level of the club remain high after the current crop of 1oore. racers graduates. The club, started three years ago by Tony Norris, "We're looking to develop a pool of people who can .as made great strides with a small group of experi- consistently be available," said Moore. "The reason the need sailors. The club's primary goal now is to attract club exists is because of the people involved. We want to ew members, to form a base for what it hopes will be get it on its feet." < continuously competitive program. One way members hope to accomplish the increase The club operates without a coach and largely in membership is by acquiring more boats. According to 145