
Boginning :Jg:Jin takes maybe four hour:;, And co:st:s mortJ. The university promises no thing. "U.S. citl~cm arc :;/x pr:r cr;nt of world':s oaouiMion consuming sixty p(}r cEm t of world's rosource!J, '' " Qeorge ~ys Portland State i:s a galling tJXJJtJrifmce: by winter term he's 11sppy. *Cage, John; A Year From Monday, 1967. A nd it i:s thtJ :stJcond time around with a university Goals Commission that makes heavy paper kite:;. Just one-third of PSU's fifty·two acres IJasl)oen developed- ten m9jor buildings and :;cvr;n minor building:s accommodating over half of the potential student body. I f tho kites fly, there will be a School of Libr;ral Art:s, new facilities planning, and an ex ten· sive interchange program between gown and town-t~ little ivy on the wall:s. Smog is thickest around the university.