
Editor the vanguard PEGGY O'PHELAN Business Manager Stephen Nicholls -----· --------------------------,----------------------News Editor Don McManman, Dan Wilson, Don Wilson, Paul Biehl ----------------------------··------- -Associate Editors Dea.n Smith ---------------------------------------·--···-~------··-··-City Editor Doug ~bb, Bev Walton ················-·········--·------····- ··-··-Feature Editors Ga.rey Fouts ·-·------··-·-···--··-·-···················--------Entertainment Editor Maurie Hall ··········--·-·····----······-··-·······-·-·-- ··---·- ·--··-··-··-Sports Editor' Jim Day, Stan Pusieski ··------·- ················-·-------------···-···Copy Editors Bob Meyer ·----·-·--··········----·-·····-·-···- ······-···-···--·····--·- ----------Storm Sap George Stevens ···········- ·--···-·-··-·····-··-···---Review and Calendar Editor CTa.ig Hickman ···--·-·- ··- -·--·-······-···- ······-···-········-·-·-----···-- Shalt Editor Sandy Frazier -·····-···-·----·······-·····--·-·················-··----·-···--·-···Photo Editor The Vanguard lo published each Tuesday and Friday of the academic year except during final exams. and vacation weeka by the Publicatioaa Board of Portland Slate Univeralty, P. 0. Box 751, 97207, Portland, Oregon– James Hart. chairman; Jerry Penk, exeC:utive secretary. Vlewo exp.... ecl are thooe of the wrltero and do not neceooarlly · reflect the vlewo of the otudent body, the faculty cw the univerlity admlnhtratioD.