Spring Song I walk in my garden yov call the world. A round me life is stirring ro meet and beget life. Lifii is loving. Hand in hand wi th hope 1 walk under new IeaveY Beside tJ stre~m tht~t sings its' silence in my mind. Death is life in my garden mortality becomes eternity I know what you cal/ love has no place here. My love is life and I beget each day to know what life means: It is time for you to make a garden. It is time to stop hating and begin to live. NOTE TO THE INSTITUTION (from Dick Bakken) Reason for resignation or termination and remarks of value for the record of this resignation 'for use in preparing summarized information. *To filltny days wandering and scribbling poetry. * Because- good luck - 1hear Basho, Blake, Thoreau, Whitman . .. and so stumble out to greet them . * Because this indoor light dulls my vision : no Professor has yet startled lightning from a desk . * Because each judgment I ink on a paper- even A - makes me creep. * Beca.use each pay hike and new rank makes me smaller. * Because this junk-factory loves grade, rank, status, prestige, reputation, image, cosmetics, manners, money, and property more than it can ever love people, learning, and Truth . * Because the whole carnivorous MACHINE is strapped together from here to Vietnam: 0 Crazy .Horse and Ho Chi Minh, these slick elevators oiled up with blood! *My heart floods with creation and the creatures of Creation : one living buffalo, one living Yellow farmer breathes more than all the steel and paper in all Amerika 's universities, cultural halls, and battleships. * It's time now · to turn the page.
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