
..... ,_t.i.,.J6..,., ""'"'~ l ? o :>7":" .,.~, ' Th dmg in the rat is marijuana. atl old com remedy and lockjaw treatrnent. now an oulfawed psychedelic. In Crarner Hall's new yel only parlial!y equipped psy hology labs officially san - tioncd resear h 0 11 the co tltraversial drug is it1 progress. Th e psychology department sponsors the projecl handled by Cord Sengstake, ass ciatc prof! ssor, two graduates, and three w1d rgraduatcs. The six have devised a series of /ests to measure the effects of hemp on the cen tral nervous system oj' rats, cats, and later, me11. Already completed is one experiment on the eating behavior of rats. Changes in general activity are presen tly watched. One constant so far, under marijuana, activity generally decreases. Lab facilities permitting, there's three to five years of research ahead.