
In the science building there is a thr ee -dimens ional maz e s o comp lex Lhat its designer can't r call how one ge ls th rough it. But th e mice , some born in the maze, remember and move through it eas il y. "Charl y," an all egory on the con– clition of th gl b , a comment on the value of an educa tion , a film about ie n ce, m ice , k nowle dge and men , played in town this year. And there were scenes in Lh e film whe re mouse and man competed in a maze run . And· scenes where mice scurried down cor– ridors and man dashed down halls. Unlike Charly's dilemma, progress in the science building is still a busi– ness where knowledge precedes ex- perim en tation . Teaching grants totaled $391 ,890 this y a r. The sum easil y ex– ceeded mo ney allocated to research . Grants wen t to , mong olhe r things , a summer compu ter s ience trai ni ng prog am for high sch ool math t ach– ers , a College Sc ience Improv men t Program involving tapes and recorders for undergradu ate studies in ch emi s- tr y , phy s ics. bi o l o gy t~n d g ner a l science , and the co tinuation of a city– wid e proj ec t t o int eg ra t e biolo gy , ch emi s try, and ph ys ic into one lhree– year hi gh school ourse. Pro ress . a l PSU, is also a busine ss of expansion . Area south of the science building was cleared this year for Lh e construction of Sc ience II, s ond of se en plan ned science structures .More mazes l compel in , more halls to dash down looking f r th e Designer, or be tt er yet, th e mice.