Once again the upsurge in film ac– tivity could be measured through aca– demics. Across campus , a film-making class taught by Tom Taylor at the Divi ion of Con tinuing Educa ti on drew students from a waiting list. The sight of hahd-held movie cameras in the Park Blocks or at Ballroom happenings was no t uncommon. ut id of cla sses , countl ess stu– dents wei'e planning Ol' initiating ex– perimental filma . The economi cs of su ch e nt erpris es seemed somehow more feasible now than previously. Perhaps the dynami cs of creation or the aura of glory which surrounds to– day ' s film-making , outweighed th e influen ce of cost. Or perhaps the vir– tues of film- its immediacy, its sense of motion, its "relevance ," its "involve– ment"- cut closer to student values. Film is reel. 43
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