
It was his first year as a college– university president. Convocation address. Open door policy. Stalinist cubism and Young's Gown Shop. Com– mittee meetings and the organization of priorities. The Student Symposium on U. S. Foreign Policy . " I'm watching. I'm making a little appointment here, stealing a little money there. I'm getting opinions from all sorts of people, that's the way I op– eraie, " Gregory Wolfe explained to a student. And then , to a friend on the phone, he elaborated: ''I'm like one of those rats in a maze. I can't find the pellets and I'm getting shocks backing up against these electrocuting walls." Wolfe prefers New England, "for wholesome American living," and Rio de Janeiro or Paris for night life. But Portland State offered and because the college was urban and developing he settled in the West Hills. Because the college was urban and developing Wolfe had problems. To be urban in '68 meant to be ugly. "The only beautiful thing in this campus is what God put on the Park Blocks ." He tried to rescue Young's Gown Shop from the wrecking ball but there wasn't enough money in time. Young's fell.