
Gene McCarthy, who had led the politicized young to brutal disappointment in Chicago , came now, only four days before the election, to bolster his fellow Foreign Relations Committee dove , Wayne Morse. And only three days before that there had been Mc– Carthy 's long-awaited but unenthusiastic endorse– ment of Hubert Humphrey, accompanied by charac– teristically vague allusions to his own future. At PSU he spoke to that segment which had formed both the elite corps and the shock troops in his pell-mell assault on Establishment politics. "I did say that I would never again go to the young people of this country . . . and ask them to try to test politics within the existing system unless I had been convinced the procedures and processes had been changed before we invited them in . .. If not , I think then we 're going to have to consider if the time has come in which the two-party system has to be tested from the outside by someone other than George Wal– lace ." And at the same time : "There's a little danger in looking for a kind of reincarnation, you know; some– times it works and sometimes it doesn't. But I'll be with you, in any case , in the next four years." 121