"Back in grade school I coached the seventh grade team, took it over when the coach got sick. Then in the eighth grade I coached it myself. We lived across the street from a Jewish temple, and we almost lived in the gym, played' basketball every evening." Pericin and his family, a wife and four children, live in Southwest Portland. " The Portland area is beautiful. We have a lot of trees around our home. I like the outdoors and the trees give us a feeling of privaty with Nature. " Political leanings? " No, not really. My father and mother were Democrats ; I'm not. Over the years I've changed my views, I vote for the man I think is best. This is the way I feel about it. " I think the students here at Portland State should take more interest in their school government. Let's face it, a few students can show a lot for the school. If you don ' t care who 's elected to the government, this can change a lot of things. He should be an individual who represents the school, I don 't believe in long hair. I don ' t think long hair could categorize ninety per cent of the students.
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