
70 Kevin Robinson looks around . He looks at you and thinks. " If you know anything about the mental conditions of writers, you will know they are in bad shape. This was written under a lot of stress." THE YAPPISTS " ... WHO WEAR THORNLESS LAUREL WREATHS ." This is an invitation to all those of you who are for some reason afraid of si– lence, too timid to speak, and don' t like it, who have been silenced and for various other reasons present in our "culture" have not been able to com– municate sufficiently. . . ;. . '-"'" ,.. .. . ~ ~, ""' ... -' / ,... .. . - fo.• .;~~, .. \:' 'v . . ' · .. ·.~· . J.. ·- . . ~ .. .. '· I have good reason and qualification to invite you , nay, urge you to join in this organization . My tale, I will be short, is moving.