Fawzi Khoury is an instructor in Arabic Grammar at PSC. He comes to the U.S. from the Middle East. His first years here he lived with a family in Lake Grove, but he got married and moved to Lake Oswego. Fawzi also instructs what must be the only class in Arabic Calligraphy in the country. " Knowing Arabic is not essen– tial," he reminds his students, "But you must keep in mind that you are working with two colors, both the black of the letter and the white of the paper. The letters must flow from one to the other and off into the white spaces." " Calligraphy is not difficult, but it requires sensitivity and practice." Fawzi is involved with the middle east center and the Arab students at PSC. Thi syear they co-sponsored a debate on the Arab crisis. We thought our man made a good showing and we wanted to bring him back but Cohen in student activities wasn ' t sympathetic. Fawzi moonlights in the old section of the new library. " We have more room since the change. " He catalogs books in Arabic for the library. "We have the largest Arab library in the country." He is an enthusiastic teacher, but notes red tape. " This year I was sched– uled for an eight o'clock final in Arabic. I came at eight thirty. " He didn ' t shave.
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