
Editors– Dave Gregg Dan Long Larry Smith Photography– Benny Abrams Eva Bushman Craig Hickman Dan Long Dave Martin Dick Phillips Thorn Porterfield Gary Shuler Doug Sowles Alan Toman Writers– Bob Rice Larry Smith Mike Smith Lauren Van Bishler Bev Walton Marty Westerman Graphics- Bruce McGillivray Bill Plympton Lila Rothrock Joe Spooner Advisers- Wilma Morrison Arvid Orbeck Gerald Penk Acknowledgements Photography- The Portland Oregonian The P.S.C. Vanguard Secretariai -'- Diane Aho Layout- Wendy Stephenson 160 "Well, in our , ..,..,.. v still panting a little, "you eenerarltv to something else-if you run "'~tast for a long time as we've been. "A slow sort of country!" sa Queen . "Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get some– where else, you must run twice as fast as that!" Lewis Carroll