
142 Monologue-Speech for one actor: Well 1t's morning again, we got through the night. I don't think we got through it on faith though, we got through because we had to. And here we are. Dirty, yes, and probably have bad breath. It was a long time coming, morning I mean . The birds are singing. Very loud. Raucous, I might have said. And the dawn is coming. There is, well, a kind of silence though . I think, some– times when I'm swimming that we kind of swim in the air, that the air is as alien as water. That we drown all our lives. I think we really do. I don't know why really. Art. Books. Poetry. They drown us too. They rot the mind. April, April morning. I used to write. I don't any– more. I used to read , too, but that was when I was young. I didn ' t know any better. A long night. Yes. Yes indeed. But we made it. Although we sometimes didn' t think we would. We were afraid . Yes we were. But the sun is on the hills and we made it. No more singing in the dark. Not for us. We made it. But it's quiet now. Even quieter. I guess we ' ll have to leave soon . It's morning. The sun will be out. It will be warmer. Wind from the sea . A cool breeze. Cool breezes. Morning. Yes. It's almost time to wake up.