
" Everyone's got an opinion but me," says Melanie Formway. " I don ' t know much about politics. Most people I know have opinions but I don ' t think they know what they are talking about. " When I came to P.S .C. I made up my mind I wasn ' t going to be involved in all the activities the way I was in high school. Activities are a lot of headaches and not much satisfaction. Ninety per cent of the people involved in these organizations are in them for what they can get out of them. Along the way they trample a lot of people; one of those people was me. " I'm a nice guy," she says." " I got burned in every project I got into. I don ' t fight back . It's funny though , I don ' t feel busy without being involved in a group." Although Melanie's family lives in Beaverton, she lives in the Viking. " Let's just say I eat and sleep there. There's no place at the Viking to store art supplies. The lighting's terrible too. I'm not nec– essarily for it and I'm not necessarily against it. It's just a place to live. " Melanie spends most of her time alone. " Right at the moment I'm making two bridesmaid dresses by Saturday night. I like to sew, let's leave it at that. My walls are plastered with pictures of Vogue. I' I 107