College is new to some; it is old to many. New or old, each fall it soon becomes an amalgam of peculiar sen- sations and common experiences. lt is going to classes and cutting classes, drinking coffee and swearing off, loafing and cramming. lt is wondering about getting a date for the weekend; it is worrying about getting a date for the weekend; it is not getting a date for the weekend-or even worse, it is getting the wrong date for the weekend. lt is being secure with the familiar few; it is being lonely in an unfamiliar crowd. lt is writing the highest midquarter; it is flunking a course. lt is P. E. and lit. and chemistry, art and political science, and no time for lunch. lt is hours of questioning; it is one sec- ond of understanding. The proportions vary from person to person, but there is one thing common to all . . . getting up and getting there. ln the mid-sixties, for mid- city PSC, getting there is movement. Here on cover and inside pages is the way that movement Iooks to the'66 Viking artists-parabolic, sweeping freeway, broken by the stop-go intersect of the streets, and into the north- south surge and re-surge through the buildings. PREFACE
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