
Preface 3 lntroduction 4 Registration 12 Academicsl.. .16 State Board of Higher Education 32 Football ... 34 Homecoming ......42 Cross Country . 46 CeologyFieldTrip. ......48 Basketball . . ClassMenagerie.. 58 Human Rights ...... 62 Outdoor Program 64 Chess Club . ...70 Student Covernment ......74 Dances B0 Speakers . 84 Art Committee BB I:HiffIl;' n TABLE OF CONTENTS WinterCarnival ....116 Publications.. ......124 Tamingof theShrew ......128 Wrestling. ....134 Model United Nations ....140 careteria ::::::::::::::........142 Demonstrations ....146 Elections .....152 Festival of the Arts . . .158 Track . . .162 Colf ....166 Tennis . . .168 Baseball ... ...170 JazzFestival . ..174 Academics lll ......176 Finals ...186 Seniors . .194 lndex . . .206 Staff ....: ....207 PrintingNotations... ....208