During the summer the OId Main gym will die only to be reborn as a large lecture hall. The bouncing of basketballs and the slap of old ten- nis shoes on a weary floor will disappear for- ever when the plastic surgeons begin the noisy transformation of the "Black Hole of Calcutta." Those who have suffered in her will not be sorry to see her go. They only hope that somnolent lectures and impersonal television screens do not reawaken the dreaded spirit of the Black Hole. Sweat gear and social dance in a synagogue? PSC's women's PE classes abandoned the de- crepit synagogue of Ahavai Sholom which has been their PE facility for years, for PSC's new $2.25 million PE building. A weak wall, no heat, falling plaster, and a light system which went out when you hit the walls were the hazards of the old building. The bracing run from Old Main in PE skivies through all types of weather was annoying to PE students, but it often was as pleasing to Cirl Watchers as it was shocking to little old ladies out for a constitutional 25
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