
% ::# ...t: .;i ]K 1S.t rlX.:;r:rl rl.:x-atf.l 9t:,i.4$ r 9:.iiiEi rg;!r.l e.sftii PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES Portland State's great leveler is gone-the gauntlet of shor ering in the Old Main locker room run by every male unde classman for the last ten years-a sort of PSC roulette wil stakes of icy or scalding water. One of PSC's less hallowed traditions, taking PE in the 0l Main Bym, died an unmourned death spring term. The tire old gym floor and the cramped locker room facilities ha already seen 50 years of service when Portland State bega using them in -1955. No one suspected that it would be'1 yeari before PSC gym classes would move to a better faciliq The Old Main gym was barely tolerable in PSC's early day but as enrollment doubled and tripled the gym becamel crowded that underclassmen adopted the name used by get erations of hieh school students-the Black Hole of Calcutti Taking PE in Old Main was a unique experience. The PE clat was not as exhausting an ordeal as dressing down and shor ering. Each hour two waves of students, one hurrying I shower and dress, the other attempting to shed its strel clothes and slip on the standard PE garb, would collidei the locker room and the resulting maelstrom made sorrt wish for a medical release from PE. Nude, sweaty bodies,wt bodies fresh from the showers, and a tangle of human being in various stages of undress competed for space to breath and to dress. When you finally dressed and were hurryingt make it to a class in South Park Hall, a sweaty piece of gyr gear might catch you across the face or a wet body brush yo as you pushed through the tangled mass of humanity. ;ii{u!pr!@r3 22