_- INDEX Academics I Academics ll Academics lll Art Baseball . . . Basketball . . . Business Administration Cafeteria Chess Club Cross Country Dances Demonstrations Elections English Composition Experimental Psychology Festival of the Arts . Finals Football . . . Ceneral Science Ceodetic Science Ceology Field Trip . Colf Homecom ing Human Rights lntroduction )azzFestival . . Middle East Studies Center... Model United Nations Music New Facilities Physical Education Classes Physics and Chemistry . Preface Printing Notations Publications . . Registration . . School of Social Work Sen io rs Speakers Staff State Board of Higher Education Student Covernment Taming of the Shrew Television Classes Tennis Track White Callery Winter Carn ival Wrestling . . 16 96 .. .176 . . .108 . ..170 52 9B ...142 70 46 BO . . .146 . ..152 30 . . "182 ...158 ...186 34 26 . . .104 4B ...166 42 62 4 . . .174 . . .112 . . .140 ...110 92 22 . . .100 3 ...208 . . .124 12 . . .178 .. .194 B4 . ..207 32 74 . . .128 1B . . .168 ...162 BB . . .116 . . .134 206
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