Came winter-and spring, and the registrar's office was h'isted on another statistical petard-in reverse. lnstead of the usual five to seven percent a quarter attrition, each quarter's drop was nearer nine percent. And no one had an explanation for boom or drop. lf it was the Viet Nam draft scare that upset what has been a pretty steady fall increase of 10OO a year, the male-female ratio didn't reflect it. lf it was tougher grading by an overloaded faculty that thinned the ranks, the flunk-out percentages didn't show it. Which leaves for Registration 1965-66 only one new and one old verity on record. New is forecast for next fallwhen, for the first time, PSCers will not have to push through three blocks of buildings to sign up for classes. The whole thing will be in one center ring-the gymna- sium in the new P. E. building. The old verity is the registrar's word that the long-forecast day of registration by mail is as remote as ever-still "under discussion." 14
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