t- n r0gi$ll'illi0|l Portland State took the Big Three statistical-image scrim- mage fall quarter in a registration upset that left the statistical brass as red-faced as a Northwest forecaster the day after the 1962 windstorm. The State Board had covere$ its 1965-66 budget bet on an 8300 enrollment at PSC. Registrar Baumgartner said the final tab would be 8500. The registrar stuck to his figure all through the pre-registration press forecasts and finally was stuck with it when the total hit 9125- 20 percent over fall1964. The 9125 were stuck with it when they found the field of interference through the halls all but impossible to run, the lines to the section-stamp goals harder to buck. To add to the fun of registration,1965, this was the fall the academic headquarters staff chose to hold tough on section enrollment maximums. By Friday, mid-morning, English, history, poli sci and other heavy enrollment courses were turning away customers, and the sound of Closed Section keening could be heard in the Park Blocks. By mid-afternoon the wail had reached head- quarters and a two-day extension of registration was ordered. 13
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