Viking 1965

preface The printed page seldom reveals the creator's full intent, but The Vi,king 1965 powerfully asserts an artistic and poetic impression of Portland State College. Photographic reproductions of sections from Tom Hardy's South Park hall bronze screen serve as unifying elements in The Vr,ktng 1965. In his dramatic creation, Hardy brings together the disparate scenic glories of Oregon, immortal- izing them in bronze. And, more and more, this urban college brings together the disparate human elements of Oregon. The state's students, states- men, and visitors increasingly look to the college, which, like Oregon's native grandeur, will not die. F or the glowing cover, artist Werner Bittner ex- tracted the embodiment of the college's physical environment from Hardy's work. Stylized versions of the symbolic lush, verdant surroundings were executed from the same screen panel by artist Corinna Campbell for the end sheet design and the title page emblem. The end sheet work is a sumi or Japanese brush art rendition of Hardy's ivy vines. The emblem design is from the cluster of three maple leaves at the panel top. This Hardy theme is repeated three times in the color opening of the Ellr,pses sections. A personal response to the campus is reflected in Gerri Lent's poetry. The mood-setting sketches by artists Kay Archi- tect, Frieda tr'ehrenbacher, and Liz Neilson add a related but independent interpretation of PSC.