Viking 1965

, The book lies open Season' s Lt nremttti,ng ra'i,n Falls to four and four agai,n Time sedtment Bui,lds concrete spires Human atoms whir wtth cybernetr,c fi,res In eartlu's core starhearts beat Fi,lling i,n the uacuum of unlearned Agai,nst your neighbor's f ence A li,lac blooms And in your nei,ghbor's yard A maple dies The ski,es a,re runny bubble clti,mes Tltat li,nk creatton to our ttmes The book lies open I mmort ali,ty lau ghs t aunti,ngly And cruslt es sptres beneatlt, the real f our But ratn produces ltlacs And a maple tree While mortals seek eterm,ty From houses lacktng usindows and a door And ush,o will turn the page ?