Viking 1965
J l Qutet uutumn and, wet-grey Dtfferent than Aour registration d,ay: Fear and laughter Hollous shouts Dousn neruous corrid,ors Frtends Aou neuer knew uou'd meet Pouri,ng througtt a thouiand, d,oors You neuer kneus You'd see How long ago Was that? You neuer know. AhallwaA seems too long so eu erlastin glA c ont i,nuin g And str,ll tlte steps the end,less quest,i,on ing s that make Aour mi,nd, begtn to swirl maelstrom of doubt And euerybod,y wants to knous T eaclt er s c on t yna,nd,in g Parents demand,ing And what can Aou say? I don't know.
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