
CHET GREENE ASPSC Vice-President Chet Greene, ASPSC vice president, ably handled the Representative Assembly-as an aspect of his job during fall and winter terms. Spring term Chet had to student-teach and ] im DeChaine took over the reins and guided the R .A. in its many activities . Under the old student body constitution mem­ bership of the R.A. was based on the number of students at PSc. Last fall 's record breaking enrollment made the 1960-61 Representative Assembly the largest in PSC history. Of long term importance to the college was R.A. 's re-evaluation of the student body offi­ cer pay scale and the new salary ratio that was established. Also reform in the financial sys­ tem, among other things, calls for periodic ac­ counting by campus organizations and agen­ cies of all student activity funds spent. A new constitution adopted spring quarter, has abolished the R.A . and substituted a 24-person Student Senate . REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY The R. A. membe rs include: f,om left, Carl Perry, Vol Schulz, Ca,olyn Curti•. Jock Rooney, Ron Nelson, Eloi se Raz, Jim DeChaine. Standing, f,om left, Roy Dome,all, Ed We.te,dahl, Bill Dippert, and Juanita Willing.