- Jeweler + Specializing in Diamonds ENGAGEMENT & WEDDING RING ENSEMBLES AND WEDDING GIFTS Conveniently located at 617 SW Morrison CA 7-0077 T he placement serVlce ar ranged for 94 employers to interview over 600 seniors and graduates. As of April 1961, the Port land State library had 65, 165 volumes catalogued, valued at $232,543.18. T here are 170,577 cards in the library card catalogue. T he Portland State library employs fifteen librar'ians and twenty-five full time Civil Service employees. In April 1960, 33 ,440 people entered the library; in the same month of 1961, 58,679 people entered. T he library circulation for July 1960 included 70,162 volumes checked out, 26, For a delightful time anytime, try* Johnny's Garden Golf * Open Day and Night 1015 N.E. 47th AVE. BE 2-9262 121 reserve books used, 500 volumes borrowed from the I nterlibrary Loan Service, and forty-six loan ed to the Interlibrary Loan serVlce. Employment T he food serVlce serves from four to five thousand people per day. This re quires 350 hamburg ers, 300 sandwiches, and 300 salads. PSC students dn'nk almost 200 pounds (3500 cups) of coffee each day. T he average sale at the snack bar is 20c; at the cafe teria it is 45c. lONE PLAZA • GARAGE FIRESTONE TIRES - DELCO BATTERIJ:S Washing, Lubrication Minor Tuneups HOURLY AND MONTHLY PARKING SW 10th at Mill CA 8-3921
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