
PLACEMENT OFFICE PorIland State students take advantage of the many services and iobs offered by the Placement office. JOHN F. JENKINS Director of Placement and Housing The Placement Office is of imme­ diate importance to more of Portland State's commuting student body than are similar offices at' campus institu­ tions. The large number of students who work and the greater number of jobs available in this metropolitan area combine to make Di rector John Jenkins' headquarters in Old Main something of a college traffic center. According to placement records, there were 1844 part-time jobs listed and 4028 students referred by the of­ fice this school year. At t'he full-time level , there were 297 posi tions of­ fered and 696 students referred. Establishment this spring of a new scholarships and financial aids office under Dr. James Caughlan is recogni­ tion of the students' dilemma in a pe­ riod of rising college costs. The of­ fice which will be in operation next fall will combine information and help on student loans, particularly the expanding federal loans under the N at'ional Defense Education Act; state and private scholarships, and the foreign student program. 29