
DR. JEAN P. BLACK Librarian LIBRARY Portland State's 2-million-dollar library was formally dedicated October 23 though its doors were actually opened in Janu a ry, 1960. Functional and modern in design , the library is operated on the open-shelf princi pie which al­ lows the individual direct contact with the circula­ tion books . The library is organized in three divisions: Ed­ ucation , Science and Social Science, and H umani­ ties , each with a specialist librarian to assist stu­ dents and faculty. There are seven on the Techni­ cal Processes staff, the unseen department respon­ sible for securing, recording, and preparing the many varied materials circulated by the libr a ry. At the present time additions to the library's collection of nearly 64,000 volumes are averaging 1,000 a month. PSC's graduation classes have contributed to the equipment of the library. The Class of 1957 presented a microfilm reader and the Class of 1958 added a microcard reader. The handsome table­ type exhibit case in the foyer was a gift of 1959's class.