
Social Science and Norman Greene. GEORGE C. HOfFMANN Chairman, Social Science Division SOCIAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Joseph Blumel, secretary, Two major expansions of Port­ land State curricula in 1960-61 were recognitions of the quality and growth of the Social Science Division under its chai rman, Dr. George Hoffmann. Authorization and a special ap­ propriation to offer a graduate lev­ el program in social work came from the legislature. The course, first graduate degree offering at PSC authorized by the State Board of Higher Education, will provide professional training not available before in any Oregon institution. Second recognition of Portland State's role in the Higher Educa­ tion System lifted the business ad­ ministration curriculum from de­ partmental to full divisional status. Dr. Donald Parker, a former PSC faculty member, will return in September to head this division. Included in fhe Social Science Division are: psychology, sociology, history, geography, anthropology, political science and economics.