
SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Pressures of expanding scientific knowledge, along with the demands of sheer numbers of students, are changing the science picture at Portland State as dramatically as any other division of the college. Authorization of a $2,225,000 science building which is scheduled for opening two years from now was the most signifi­ cant event of the year for Dr. Thurman Peterson and his staff as well as a symbol of Portland State's total development. The Applied Science Department inaugurated a year ago under Dr. Harry]. White places the college in the vanguard of a new scientific training field. The program, a combination of engineering and basic science, bridges a widening gap in American technological education, fitting its grad uates especially for technological research in electronics, aut'omation systems, nuclear power, astronautics, product development and design. DR. THURMAN S. PETERSON Chairman, Division of Science BERNARD C. BAUMGARTNER Executive Assistant