
HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT DR. HOYT C. FRANCHERE Chairman, Division of Humanities At right are humanities professors, Asher Wilson, John S'tehn, and Below are Egbert Oliver, Frederick Waller, and ·Fronk Eoton. Egbert Oliver. Within the Division of Huma nities lie the disciplines generally referred to as The Arts-Eng­ li sh and American liferature, foreign la nguages, mu­ sic, philosophy, speech and theater, architecture and the sc ulptural and graphic arts. Every PSC stu­ dent comes into contact with this sfaff through re­ quired work in English. Dr. Hoyt Franchere, divisio n chairman , and his staff have been very active in expansion of course offerings. The Foreign Language Department is one in which registration is climbing and new offerings being added under the impefus of the new aware­ ness of America's great need for language compe­ tence in meeting international respo nsibilities. Through foreign languages Humanities has been deeply involved in the relatively new inter-disci­ plinary program of Near East Studies. This and one other cerfificate prog ram, U rban Development, are concentrations of offerings aro und single prob­ lem areas where special ists are needed . Development of a minor cou rse prog ram in jour­ nalism was a 1961 inaugu ration of the Humanities Division.