
PANHELLENIC COUNCIL Standing, from left: Michele Venne, MaKine Kuffel, Donna Tyner, Jon Toney, Co,alen Richardson and Dione Kopta . Seated a,e Nancy Stout and Kathy Robinson. Within the Panhellenic Council rests the initial responsibility for the maintenance of the women's fraterni ty system at Portland State College. Established during the past year, the council has begun to lay the found ations for the future . One of the most important functions of Panhellenic is operation of an effective rush program. Pre-school rushing, common in other colleges and universities, will be intro­ duced by the council in fall 1961. The local PSC Panhellenic is affiliated wi th National Panhellenic Conference. Be­ gun in 1902, the national conference strongly emphasizes social standards and the respon­ sibilities which each individual chapter and member has to her college or university. Fur­ ther emphasis and cooperation with college authorities is on stimulating and maintaining high scholarship . Beginning with the oldest sorority, the offices of the local Panhellenic are filled in ro­ tation. This year's president was Sally Larson.