
CONSTITUTION AL CONVENTION ED WESTERDAHl, chairman of the consti­ tutional convention steering committee. To keep up with the demands of an ever-growing enrollment students of Portland State College in 1961, wrote and ratified a new constitution , designed to fit the needs of a metropolitan college. Phil Biddle was selected by Student Body President Dale Ward to coordinate the Constitutional Convention, with Ann Scadoris as secretary. Ed Westerdahl served as chairman of the executive com­ mittee; Bob Dorney, the judicial committee. Chet Green was coor­ dinator of the legislative committee, and Roger Hughes headed the student-faculty commi ttee. The new constitution provides for a Student Senate of 24, replac­ ing the Representative Assembly. Twelve senators are elected from the student body at large and three from each class. This gives PSC classes a representation in student government which they had not had under the old Representative Assembly system. An extension of the executive board of government added the N a­ tional Students Association Coordinator to the Executive Cabinet. The new consti tution inaugurated a system of financial control which had been lacking under the old consti tution. 15