
The smiling members of Ihe forensic squod ore from left 10 righI, Jtanding: lorry Stewart, Rex Gilley, Wally foss, Mr. Sheppard, Jim Corter, Jeff Alden, Bill Raumussen, Paul Corpenter, Jerome Thompson, Ed Westerdahl, Jim Young, Roy Samsel, phil Biddle, Dove Whitehead, and Ben Podrow. Seated are Pot Kelley, Jon Phelps, Bea O'Donnell, Roni Vondros, Barbaro Dfeuning, Coral Swenson, Brenda hen· stein, and Judi fisher. Ben Padrow, director of forensics program, stated that some of the many ac­ tivities include debate, oratory, after-din ner, radio, and television speaking. The objectives of the program include m ore than training in cri tical thinking and public speaking techniques. The program also stimulates interest in current events among Portland State students as well as the community. Admire.. of Ihe new debote trophy are Ben Podrow, Wally foss, Jerry Jamison, Roy Som..,l, and Jim McCreight.