
SUE OCC STANDINGS WON LOST PORTLAND STATE 10 6 SOUTHERN OREGON 10 6 OREGON TECH 9 7 EASTERN OREGON 6 10 OREGON COLLEGE 5 11 A very young Portland State team, com­ posed of players who will all return next year, displayed much maturity in cap­ turing the OCC championship with a 10 and 6 record. For the season, the Vikings were even at 14 wins and an equal num­ ber of losses. Playing such fine teams as Portland U., Linfield and Willamette, the forces progressed considerably as the season wore on. They came very close to upsetting the regional winners. Willam­ ette. before bowing 58 to 51. They came back the following night to prove their superiority in the OCC by downing Southern Oregon, the co-champs, 39 to 37. With the complete squad returning, PSC should be hard to stop next year. Dan Bridges, the Viking's leading scorer and reo bounder, was a second team O.C.C. choice this year. Denny Heath, playing his first year of competitive ball, provided a spark to the Viking offense. 199