
_ __ _ __ _____ __ ______ _ ________ _ _ _______ _ _ ________ _ ___ __ _ _ ______________________________ __ _ _____________ _ _ _______ _ NAME Lukens, Lyman, Lyons, PAGE Leonard _________. __. _________________________________________ 176 Lilo _______ _____________________________________________________ 176 Thomas _______________________________________________________ 142 Mabry, Richard L. __________________________________________________ 176 Mack, Ronald _________________________________________________________ 153 Mackey, Allan ________________________________________________________ 165 Maddox, Nancy ___________________________________________________ 142 Maiden, Kathleen __________________________________________________ 165 Maki, Bette _____________________________________________________________ 165 Mallon, Richard E. ____ ____________________________________________ 165 Manion, Joyce ___________________________________ ________________________ 153 Manning, Jack ________________________________________________________ 176 Mariels, Jan ine _______________________________________________________ 153 Marine, Janet ___________________________________________________________ 153 Markham, Tom _______________________________________________________ 165 Markstrum, Kathleen ________________________________________ _______ 142 Marshall, Lucille ______________________________________________________ 176 Martin, Elizabeth ____________________________________________________ 142 Martin, Marvin J. __________________________________________________ 153 Ma rtin, Nancy _____________ __________________________________________ 153 Martens, Marjorie _____ ____________________________________________ 176 Masterman, Jack ______________________________________________________ 165 Matias, Henry N. _________________________________________________ 153 Matsunaga, Robert ________________________________________ _____ 153 Mattoon, Maril yn _____________________________________________ _______ 176 Mattoon, Marylin ___________________________ ________________ 176 Mattson, Bonna ______________________________________________________ 176 ALL bankin,g serVLces 5 BRANCHES TO • SERVE YOU HEAD OFFICE S. W. Washington at 3rd EASTSIDE BRANCH N. E. Sandy at 20th MIDLAND BRANCH So Eo 122nd at Stark PARKROSE BRANCH N. E._ Sandy at lOOth PITTOCK BRANCH S. W. Washington at 9th Member Federal Deposit Insurance PORTLAND II TRUST i I i BANK Established 1887 i - --========:1 . Corporation NAME PAGE May, Dora R. _________________________________________________________ 153 May, Marlene ________________________________________________________ 176 Ma yer, Sharon ______________________________________________________ 142 Maynard, Ron _____________________________________________ _______ 153 McAlexander, Judy ________________________________________________ 176 McAlpine, Nina Lee ________________________________________________ 165 McCartney, Bruce ____________________________________________________ 165 McClarty, Jud y ___ .___________________________________________________ 176 McCoy, Roger J. __________________________________________________._ _ 165 McCoy, Trynette ___________________________________________________ 142 McDonnell, Henry __________________________________________________ 153 McEvers, Carolyn ________________________________________________ 177 McGregor, J im ____________________ ____________________________________ 153 McGuire, Geraldine _______________________________________________ 177 Mcintire, Joseph W. ________________________________________________ 165 McIn tyre, Ralph ______________________________________________________ 165 McKean, Ralph _______________________________________________________ 153 McKenzie, Compton ____________________________________________ 165 McLoughl in, Fred ____________________________________________________ 153 McNally, Gene _______________________________________ _______________ 50 McNeff, Jane _____ ___ __________________________________________________ 177 McPherson, Edith ___________________________________________________ 177 McReynolds, Linda ________________________________________________ 153 Meadows, Jack ____________ ___________________________________ _____ 153 Meadows, Robert ____________________________________________________ 153 Means, Maurine _____________________________________,;______________ 177 Med lock, Verlan ____________________________________:_____:_____________ 142 Meredith, Annette ________________________________ _________ 177 Metcalf, Lee T. ________________________________________________.____ 165 Metcalf, Roy E., Jr. ___________________________________________ 165 Meyer, DarryI __________.________________________________________ 165 Meyer, Lyle Keith ________________ 0_0 ____ _ • __ _ ___ _ ___ 165 Meyer, Robert ___________________.____________ ______ _._________ 177 Michsel, Ray ____________ 0 165 _____ _________________ _ 0 _ ____ Michaelson, Anne ___________ 0 _ _ _ _ _____ __ 177 Michelsen, Charles ______________ 0 177 Mi liar, Douglas R. _._________________________________________________ 153 Miller, Bill 153 _0 0 _ _____ _ _______________ 0 ______ _ ______0_ Miller, Constance _____ 0 ____ _ _ ___ __ • ____________ 177 Miller, Donna _ ____ _ __ 0 __ _ _ 153 ____ 0 _ ___ 0_0 _____ _ _ __ _ __ ______ 0 __ _ Miller, Herbert Do ____ __ 000 _ ____ ____ _ _ 153 Milier, Jan __ ._ _____ ___ 0 142 MiHer, Jayne Alice ______ __ 00 165 Miller, Jeffrey C. ______________________________________________ ________ 165 Compliments of "Oregon's Own Store" 251