
NAME PAGE Dahl, Connie _____________________________________________ 173 Daly, Marilyn ________________________________________________________ 149 Daniel, Annetta __ _____________________________________________ 161 Dardis, Mike ____ ________________________ ___________________ ____ 161 Darl ing, Gary ___.____________________________________.____ ._.__ 149 Dauenhauer, Charlene ______________________________________________ 173 Davidson, Margaret ____________ _ _ _____ ____ _______ 149 Davis, Dennis R. ____ ______'"_..__._ _.__________________ ____ 162 Davis, Martha C. _________________ _______________. 149 Davis, Vicki Icel _ _______ _____ ____ _ ____ _ _______ 140 Day, Larry _____ _________________.___._____________ 149 Day, Mary Sue ___ ._. ____________________ _________ _ ____._____ 173 Deach, E. Stanley ____________ _____..______________._ 173 Dearing, Loretta __________________ ____._. _ ________________________. 173 DeBoer, Delbert _______________ ______ ._______.__ .__.. 149 DeBonny, Mike _ ______.___________.___________.___________ 162 DeChaine, Dean __________ ...._______.______________ 149 DeChaine, Gerald _______.___ __ ________ 162 DeChaine, James P. _.__________________._.______ _ 149 Delahunt, Dave _______________ ____ _ ______._._____ 149 DePass, Calvin L. _.___.__._..___ __._______ 149 Dernbach, Diane _ ___________.__.________ __._. _______ ____ 140 Dickman, Chris _____ .. ___ • _ _ _ __ __ .__ 150 _ c. ~ ___ _ _ _ _ _____ __ Dimond , Barbara ____._._ ________.____ _________ ___ 162 Dippert, William R. _____________________._______ 162 Dobrinski, Eugene F. ___ .___ _______________ _______ ___ , . 173 Docken , Marjo ._ .____ ______________________ ____________ 150 Don is, Jack 'R. __.___________________ _______._____ 140 Douglas, Don ._________________ ____________._________ . 173 Doyle, Pat ._._._. ___._ ______..__.._ ________.__..___ 140 Drabek, Karen ___ ___________.____._____________.___ 173 Drynan, Gil __ c. __._._. _______ __.___.______ .______ 150 Durfee, Betty Mae __ __..___.....___._.. __•_________...____ 173 Enjoy the convenience of your own checking account especially tailored to student needs ... NO MINIMUM BALANCE REQUIRED NO MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE Ask about a Special Checking Account at one of our nine convenient locati ons in Portland OREGON'S OWN STATEWIDE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation NAME PAGE Durie, Nancy Jean _______..___..___.._.. __ .__.__...__. 150 Dweak, Donald K. ...________....______....._.....____._.._.__.... _. 173 Easley, Sharron ____...______________ .......___..._.___ _______......... 150 Edmiston, Richard A....._._._._ ._____.._........_____.____._.__. 162 Edwards, Iris __._______ .___._.........._._____ ..._______._.______ .___ 150 Ege, Terry E. ._._.____.. .._....._._.._.________._......... . 173 Egleston, Judy ....._____.__.__.___..._...____.___.__.._.__ 150 Elligsen, Keith H. ______......_...__._ .__..._____._ .________ 162 Ellis, Gary Parks .________...___.._ _ . _ ...._..___.___ ....._ 150 Ellis, Joan .___.._.__..______.._____ ...___ ____._ . 173 Elison, Ronald C. _____._._..._.....__.. _.__...._..__._.______ _..__ 162 Elston, Margaret _..________._ __.....______.._......._....._._...._ 140 Emerick, Myrna L. ___._.___...._.___......__ _.._......_..._._. 174 Engellsing, Mary ____..........__._..____ _._•.._...._.___.______ ____ 174 Enger, David L. ...________ ______......___________..__......_______ 174 Estberg, Donald .._....__ ..___.__.__...._. _ _ __.........._._ 162 Ewen, Irving G. _____ ._......___.______.____._.........__________._..... 162 Eymer, Sandra __________.______.______ ._.__..____._ ...__._.____ 174 Ezell, Rich F..___...____ .__..__...._... ____.__..________.._...._.. 174 Failor, Nancy Anne __________..._...________.....______._____. 174 Fairbanks, David .....___________.______._._..__..___________ _.._.___.. 174 Falloon, Nancy E. ______...___..___________..._.........._____._____.__ 174 Farah, Madelain ______________......._.________ _ ~_:~ ___.._.._...__...___ 150 Farley, Dick __.._...._..__________..____ _._......_.____________._... ..... 150 F aw, J ud y ______.____.___.....____._____ .______.__.........__ ____...__.__ 174 Fawver, Willard W..______...._......_________.___..__.._...________ _ 162 Fee, Lavonne _.___...____________._...._.._._____________..__.___..... 140 Feeney, Richard E. _._.___________ ________......_..__._______..__..__ 150 Felker, J. T. Patrick ___........__.._________.._.__......____._______ 150 Fellows, Earl _...._....________..._.__..._..______ .___ .. __._.__......... 174 Felter, Steve ___._.___.•.._______... ______.__..._..__.___.______._.... 150 Fensky, Marilyn _.__.______.......___________...__..____________ 150 Finley, John ______________________________ ._____________________________ 150 Finley, Linda _____________________________________________ ____ _.________ 174 Flanders, James Kerm __ _________________._____.__________ 162 Flood, Lawrence Walter _____________________ ___ ___._________ 150 Floreudo, Dennis _. __________.______________.__ _______......... 150 Flowers, Richard ____.._......____.._____.__.____._ ...._._. 162 Fogelquist, Ross ______...__ .___.__.. ________...._. __...__ 150 Foltz, Phyllis ..____ ._._.________....____....___._.__...... ._.__.... 174 Forbes, Lynn __.__.__.....___._______ .____...._......_._______ ____.___ 174 Ford, Richard ____.._.__..._....______.________.__..__....___ 140 Ford, Terry .___.._.__.___._...._..._..____.__..______..___._.__ 140 KIENOW'S FOOD STORES 1401 S. E. Morrison 6411 S. E. Milwaukie Ave. 2440 S. E. 39 Ave. 7300 S. W. Beaverton·Hilisdale 1821 N. E. 33 Ave. 2829 N. Lombard 2340 W. Burnside 5544 E. Burnside 3038 N. E. Union Ave. 12360 N. E. Glisan "Friendliest Stores in Town" KIENOW'S FOOD STORES 245