STATE HALL StHC H al l is muc h more th an a g littering mass of steel and conc rete. Completed and put into operation for the first time this year, the ImpressIVe new clJssroom building is a ph ysica l sy mbol of Portland State's steady progression. Even though its erection was dela yed by numerou s obstacles, including the late arrival of a key steel shipment, State Hall 's doors were opened a the beginning of the Winter tcrm. Immed iately, the corridors were filled with students streaming to c lasses throu g h the popular "cafeteria short cut." Minor inconvcniences, such as ca refree workers with lon g, swingi ng ladders, and the ever-present wet paint, were soon forgotten. But who could forget the unfortunJtc student who waded throug h the wet sidewalk cement with his nose in a book a nd soon found himself the center of the work. er\ wrHh) Another in c ident co ncerncd with "State H a ll" was the shorr but bitter controversy over the drab but temporary title. Tradi tion dictates that the nt'w building be namcd after a deceased individual, who is still held high in public esteem. Rumors have drifted in from reliable sources in the cafe tl'ri .l clut the propcr authorities w ill not act until someone, with the necessa ry qu alif ica tion s, cooperates and dies. Registration
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