FOREW'ORD ~ I Portland State's precarious beginning and growth could be compared with a new organism's relentless struggle for survival. At the outset, both the college and the organism were confronted with what appeared to be insur mountable obstacles, but the college, at least, managed to maintain its existence. Mere existence, of course, does not necessarily mean uncomplicated progression. No one could believe that all of Portland State's problems have been solved; indeed, growth without complications would be an extraordinary novelty. Under such uncertain cir cumstances, absolute maturity is still in the distant future, but its ultimate fulfillment is inevitable. Not all of the aspects of this metamorphosis are of a physical naturc. Of course, the impressive new build ings, and the elaborate, speculative blueprints for the future are kcy factors in this transition, but other, more intangiblG, ll)fluences are of equal importance. The significance of a progressive modern spirit can not be over estimated. At an urban institution, which is often erroneously thought to be completely dominated by utili tarian objectives, this spirit is even more essential for the development of a common feeling of unity and an in trinsic sense of pu rpose. This modern spirit is much more than carefully cultivated ivy clinging to the walls or large, noisy crowds at football games. Unfortunately, it will not evolve as the end result of the mere passage of time. On the con trary, this spirit w~lI develop only through conscious effort and determination. The responsibility for its develop ment can not be delegated to the college community as a single unit. Unless each student realizes the need for this modern spirit and contributes to its advancement, the essential meaning will be lost. . One person could not hope to present a complete definition for this spirit. The purpose of this foreward is not to formulate a concrete, inflexible definition, but merely to set the mental machinery of each reader in mo tion. The ultimate meaning of this modern spirit will depend on individual contemplation and interpretation. In part, however, it is a sincere, intrinsic state of mind; it represents not only an impregnable faith in Portland State's future, but also a faith in the future of every student, whose ideas, attitudes, and life are given fuller meaning and purpose through the educational experiences received at Portland State. Obviously, this modern spirit is not an end in itself; in truth, it is only a beginning. ~ --~ . .... 0~ 1 - "~ ... J ....... 5
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