
Many hands, big and little, strong and skilled, are required to coordinate all of the materials, all of the factors needed to found a progressing institu­ tion. The hands must often work at different speeds and at different tasks. Some of them move across our visual orbit; some are rarely seen in the public eye. All are essential here, then, are some of the hands that are seen, the hands that are coordinated to build together a substantial and worth­ while administrative structure for our academic progress: President Cramer, the Deans of Faculty and Students, student body and class officers, and the staffs of our three school publications, The Portland State Review, the Van­ guard, and the Viking. These are the hands which work before our eyes. These are the hands which build our exterior structure. These are the hands which present us to the outside world. These are the hands which must be deft and self-assured, because they represent us and the work we are doing.