
QUEEN'S CORONATION A lovely crown for a lovely queen. Queen Marylyn Mattoon from Oregon College of Education receives a smart White Stag jacket from Chuck Harrison. Crowning of a queen is always a colorful and suspenseful m~ment and this case proved no exception. Ten charming prtncesses represen ti ng each of the participa ting colleges were Introduced by Portland State's Vice-President of the Student Body, Chuck Harrison. Selection of the queen proved no easy matter for the queen selection committee headed by Charles Bursch, Dean of Students at P.S.c. Queen Marylyn takes a mo­ ment to catch her breath. A queen and her court, first row left to right : Camille Reilly, Marylhurst; Queen Marilyn Mattoon, Oregon College of Education; Diana Jenkins, University of Portland. Second row, left to right: Mrs. Margaret Greenslade, Women's ad­ visor, Portland State College; Marilyn Booth, Southern Ore­ gon College; Sondra Churchill, Portland State College; Sally Shaw, University of Oregon; Marline Sherwood, Oregon State and Sandra Karls, Lewis and Clark. 12 Rovaltv In the snow.