.Pottrotz Elected Student Body President Vanguard "THE COLLEGE THAT WOULD NOT DIE" Volume 11. No, 20 Portland State College. Portland, Oregon Friday. February 24, 1956 Panels, Speakers Discuss U.S. Relations With Bonn At German Institute Today, Tomorrow Page Tw, THE VANGUARD The Vanguard Not everyone agrees with Ted. ~ix I.lUllUI CU JIA 'UI.CsLast - T D . El Ouflng WO ay ectlon Dic.k Pottratz and Dick L aughlin were V",· ' in as :hort·term president and vice-pres;"-·· -----=:::;udent ody. They polled 355 , ,,. ~F" 0 'itIf ·il , J t l-l f tWZ ~xthei r all lew R 11 I:ll.l11t ' Weekly p"per of the Al8oo:late4 Student8, POrtlf\nd S tate Oollege. lfnO s.w. Park, PortlAnd, ~gO!l. Jlenlber of A.sodated Collegiate ,Pre••. OplnJoll8 e:&preeaed in edltor1aa are ~o.. of the eodltorlAl board and need. not " the reflection of a dm1D.l.etratioD. polloY'. .Ilntered .a Becond clus material. lfovember 21, 1931, at the post ofrice at Portland, Oregon., tt.nder the act of Karoh 8. lEfl'9. Editor ....._ .__._..__ .................Theodore Goh Associate Editor ..- - .. ...-... Kris Goetzl Assistant Editor.. ....-.- . ... __.._...Wes Perrin Sports Editor .__. __......Ron Hunt Feature Editor. .__.._. .._-._-.._.......Bob Nelson R eporters... .. - - _ Leo GianI, Gary Hamillon, MlnneHe Hansen, Jack McCormick, Bob Mul· lin. Grace Burdelle, Todd Clark. Margaret Pugh Business ManageL _ ..- ....._ ..__..Janet Croter Make·up Edilor._...._._.._.._._..._ ...Merlin Smart Circulation Man~ger ....-__.....-Lorraine Johnson Ass~Slant to Edltor......_ ......_.._ ..Jeanelle Tuskey Mgr • ~:~;;:!i:d;. I - . - - -......BevTerhly BowN~an g a esmen - ....--..-._ ______ elma Ieee Carol McMillen Photographers _....J{erbert Perkins, Windy Bues News Editorial Adviser._ .._._.._.....Robert TUllie Business Adviser ..- ......- ...._.......__.Boy PierIOn ,~_c""' ••.._~.:' I \\ sJOn dIVISion. members of all nan.}, A lim;\Pri t d l er. and chaired by Phillip G. HOft., peli·an room of the Congress ho- J"'ca. . .. _.•_ man, dean of the general exten· teL Guests of honor will be the of the US natJOnal bank, Philip ~:~:fhofo~~~:::;rc~~ean~SD~.e~.:;: '"t 0 BY 0 -r'" ", . ",,,a. bl:r • wig Effenberg, business adviser ~ ort' ll,,\\or. I~ r-ro'o<l> " Educotor Robert Hutchins Iof the Seattle German consulate. SF '\0 series <l> \onto' I At the end of the mslltute cof· . e\'S 'fi 0l 'o<l>sc'otl\\ In ~rtIS<l>11. . , fee will be offered to panelists and ,n \cl"\ \\,e eneo \0 bCln\b <l> P enoe CSpeoks Here on Jonuory 17 I. public in the school cafeteria. The ""ppcnco \'5 \13PP irea\\')"" be col'il('(l ~der . faculty women's club will act as 'N\\3\ ,,, " \\\tI . us); ",ust 1)OVb Pa " .. t h \l\b • na\\\S _ ..l (1"cyg p . ..... w3.'5 \he ~ .. ~ , ...... ....... , -_.. "" 1...J • • • ,.,\-.,O'\(' 1'\ 1"1 ,) I .i t HI"? Dunr____-------- __-:-----::--::::---- J'clBY' FebrueqlC. 1151 . - ~ ~--....... -:-:--===J rJ6<'C F Where I Sit f1 .•• 11 ~ By Assiltant Editor We. Perrin o~~' ZUT! III ~ddition canning expe¥~~~ studym.g our cafeteria to tr) ~ d early to rise determme how so many pe. akes any scholar can be squeezed into such a 5n\ ~ ft in the head space and still remain fresh. Ai.. d bleary in the eyes. IViking students have long bee' widely admired for their abUit to find parking places in seerr ingly impossible places. ·pid motto of the m, . HPlenty of room f( Sports Editor Ron Hunt. ulted in cars bein on sidewalkS, ba EB:fE:i", II initio Look re.rrl~ ,f ! T"'~ r " VV10 y k J>OIII.'nd Ple~ Of en' _ ~ _. ~. =.~ tJ~, rom r" By. Fred Stenkamp ,.. "ll,. t I .~n ad- tonic and can bowl ~ 19J,' .,JPSe.. I cinc~-I w~~the~te I~.. ')to ..:s I#~ ~~"L,1 i{1 ". ,,~ '••, UJ ,,.. ~ .. 'h(:~!f/ "'flJ~ ~e'~~ {fa t.,. . 'r "-rt " ?t? ~ 1'",e>~ ;" '. Ur" 0'. ' ., i .f VOOh. ·,el' If. 1. q~h..~"# ,.,1] Iheil · , .. el' G. al) l(. :I~.:"'''''-~ '. or In.. "" '.)1 b . . I'ahs 1 ey lJ. ~ ") ~ '~I.'WI:, . ;·"" sOll IJ:Ii:',I;, ~O/]e 1'>. OllIs_ '' '\01. ~ : "' .' :'(1 to " 1'1/;;1] ~ <Y':"'h 'rh· rJ/]' ~ vI;>! C :., ".."". Q.c:;,... or" Js viera ' .0 ~''' ''' ..- '' Portland State College, Portland Or - . '.,-0. ,". , egon FrIday, February 3, -_. Stote's Growth During ~~hi;~IP..C!1 Tftft V ---- Is 'Bemo k hi ' L____.. Kris Goetzl checks the copy. roe . . "'u~~I>';;'I]~, cO;;:". '1 State B.-II C- c, .... W Vj, Un lVerSjpVOI] Ih "", II]I]JI] IS Ive No ' 'he f'l "C s 'op<, .,tches g 14 PSt u 0 """'b er 10. 19S b Ol1 l]ci :~'" s~:;,g 60111111C neW Statl 'h S IIJI" 1 11(" h /1' ciecl " th 1I "'.L 'er I]/{ IJ I ", JI] 1 Portland State is scarcely - IJe/ I/f-ci Il". ~ [JO~'I] Ii years old, yet has shown tll e 18] Bl'llod :"1J" ""el .I v, .?\. cI"I, D remarkable glOwth In a short d, e V;lIt CJ Ih,s wee Ca,,, .< r" ,C"Sh S It Ilh d d l :, ade. Today It IS the th,rd larg, varIOUs Icr taJn", k, has . ·s PJlkc}'""'(,ci IO/J,. 6'.1 institutIOn of hIgher learn' rhc POJll ts enl I [, ", In Ii eel 1J , 6'1 O ' 109 sa~ J 'u re IS a 1/ arolllld Ih I e fro", h POllla~d -'II Ih '" 1.17 11",(/ D I" '?(I' I ,egon-next to Oregon St, :0 SSl a l'l COll(' lISS1iin pIa f! World ,ost to tw ' llext We re Ifq IS fJOll l-' )0ul}c/f'k / )(1 CI,i. t "I and Oregon" vIe PhOlo er t SIal" a Y and a' Cst cOnc 0 Of Ihe ek, Will II;, 6 r" cy C I Ihe III,,! . '''' J Thus spoke Tom Humph.. Il all;}ll al graphed' Inn E:llglJsh 'rollrel an erl Sla,s' World's g Play ill"S .I IJlll OOP!>/" ]I!}" (~ edlto,.at.large of the Ore '~,~:. fa v 0 ~'~~ alld Ih~ VenIce: ~!oncia'y Ih~ ~jss I ·...M,SS J"r:.at • ~/Jlel ,,"~JII N.,~'II]C ~?qJk~_:IIIRh J ou, nal, 10 describine Ihp n~ 31