
:n:~ DeltV-y Student Bod, Adopts New Constitutiol1 P Vanguard New Resolutions Puss 293 to 32; Twelve Per Cent of Vikes Vote names "-~.._ .ts. Whi "THE COLLEGE THAT WOULD NOT DIE" Volume II. Number 15 Portland Staie College. Portland. Oregon Friday. January 27. 1956 lots, the , punch, This wi )te twic.' umber ( ,on, Piel onsibilit r. Robe, ~ thIS electIOn: .0 ~ . ~'\.~'Cl I."c ""e'O' ... t ccl.;' •. u(" oI''thd the C ddt f .. ~ "'" ~ "e..n)~· ~< an 1 a es or .,.e(" ....1' "' , . ~'\;" 0" c...<S' ~'-v{'C" ,..,.e election. vIce president mus ~e.""'./ ~>"'C:-. ,.,..\v \~o \ 0, 'OC.),\~,~~cl. C ~pl\" . • "'_ "l! _ ' \o\\e~." '0 \0 <S' .",n\ ,nould say they dldn ~'(~~ ~ ...~ ,e'" about It. b('cause ever e repr» .' '. ~'" ·\o{ >e'" j:"bhlo .n..___ ' ." . L f Lemmon eaves or C J b M h 1 . A candidate must go to tht ~~\ 0 Soarc , 'Qill T ........ _ ... 'f""I~ _"I _ • • ...l t::+ .... + ...:,. nesday, and Friday, from 11 a.m to 12 p.m. on Tuesday, and al undesignnted hours on Thursday in order for students te contnct him. A trophy is to be i.1\v(ll'ded to the grollp sponsoring what is judI"" to be the bes t fl out ~, Parad ~ 3.n then chm ~ ," a sport dr C ._-afetena from ~\ ,ponsored by Sig· L _____-:-~~~---- \f9~\P~~'l~l~i:~:g:n slalourdrQV S ltul::d~~t'U~.~~!~f:~;::k ,,~, 0"'" nBS last fall \Montgomery s the park block approved by the board the first Broadway and t ten tat i vel W th construction of the new 'n be sold to finance The second un! ' t lion in 19, I classroom bUlldmg al- W~it of the center. \. scheduled for cons ru~ more COl iq I\flve-story ressing steadily word u ~ '~which win will include a larg el , I ready prog ceived of completIOn The new st, #~ _ on a plete student hbr.lfY· 't" has been re lanning for port- provide stude". ~# Ii~ '0\'5 The third and last .um If " of prelimin,ar y Pond b'lg building Ie not possible h. #J '.~ - t 'n thn administratIon 0 ~ 5 - ec sca n #~ II con aI ' I eNI d land State s s wa'lted student present cramped qua 'Th. ~ 'student recreationa s A. h long-a Its - 'Il 110m :: l... ,--> t e be built in three un . _ tory ' . .. " a large ba ro .' "" Ad ' '11 be a three s • ..,.~~ . (the first I In 'n roun ne unIt wI . 'ng some \ "'$ ',on 0 POI.tland .r ~haPo~d s:~~~i~efe~~n~~I~~ill M US: will t , ; ,the n~~ti~:i~:iS:; ~ ....... .~3 , O {eteria dlmnb ' loor of the m m "/ . ";\.chen, ca ' ~ stu 1 dditional classroo I, By Margarel Pugh Ys ._~I<.store, an~ needed a _ Although it may not be Sad ' WI- ,1~ _P laboratorY space. . tl'!e -" Sl(l ~a'h 'C . ~ ,old :~ ~~~a~~~ olb c Th . .is ar'h _ - _/"0. Wint e {lJ'st annUal P • "IVaI er carnl' Ortland St per orms camp . val. an ate , ," d I USes In th ' eVent ne / ' ed and . t.ry W'll 's Part t w to ed t cha'ns . ( Tb..acu :._. :.... I take pla 0 the COlIn 0 t(\ach th ' are r:l'.... ' t :... _ Ce at L - A IS j: , jendron. 0. 0 __ Og LOdlle ' r . rmed with Fn... ..~~_.... VIKINGS WIN NAIA TITLE'i Paul Hanneman. Roger Hoff. Nola Lund. IEach must matntatn .~ Oregon Thursday. Oelober 20. 19S! cipated 30 M ...bcr fb~ocialed CoUeeiale Pre~s :ElDterea .....eoDd cla.sB matter, November 01, 1931, .t the pOBtofflee .t 1'0...I....d, OregoD, under the aet of .....oh 6, 1879, Editor ___ _ CI~o Elgin Associate Editor . ._Nell Perry Assistant Editor _ _ ___ -. Jeannelie Tuskey Sporls Editor _ _ _ _____ ---- --Ron Hunt Staff Cartoonists ___Dick Kennedy, Bob Nelson . B St II Ph I grapher -Windy ales a 0 0 - - - - . Editorial Siaff ___.. _ Kris Goelzl. Vlncenl Graue. John Green. Bob Nelson. Wes Perrin. Donna Viducich Assistant Sports Editor_ ___ _ _ _ _ Mel Murray ele G dl R W'1 Sporls Writers_ -- run ossen, ay 1 son Business Manager ______.___.___ .._ _ .__Ted Goh Faculty Adviser.._ ----. _. Mr. Robert Tuttle Adverlising Manager Janel Croter _ Mel Murray Office Manager - NaiionaJ Adv. Manager _ Beverly Bowman Advertising Salesmen . _ _ ._ Everett Malheny. Vern Thorstal ndidates student k i (~ " as­ )ber 19. a short roducing .d the,r )Ups are . a' Lilly I ' NewKarr Ja net checks the Ad Section. en R~C '>ults .mg -WIll ' kn .ih·~\< 1 I)C l1Id de OctoTo Be _ A new era oftidaJJy <>pen, [or Portland Stille this cDl"ing Sunday, October 23, -Witrl the ·"lter· noon dedicatiol\ olthe eollege and the evening inauguration of the school's first president, br. John F. Cramer. 130th lormal ceremonies, ""c'n to -.... the pubhc, wlH take placl' nt ttie at 7 4j pm on S W Clay bepublic audltoflum. The dedicatIOn itween " xth and W Park Aven· her 21, "her...e fuc)<y 'girl WIll r~iv... her ct{)-wn uum,,<1udcnt l;ody pre>ident Dor'ian Ross in a regal coronation ceremony at 10: 1:; a.m. This will officially open the flood,.'. te, on " steady ~ stream and tantalizing events. . , d ' I H;~~~~~~i~~g:~ra~h: w~~~ ~~'~·7:s f II d . t' '11 bl 0 a c,cnp IOns WI ••sem e Student Body Holds Election Under New Luws The first student body election for oWcers under the new constitution will be held Wednesday and Thursday, February 15 and 16. IC" ElectIOn committee chalrma" George Hofford, announcp' follOWing . procedure ,,\\e ulatlve GPA There 0f fIces open In th assembly. Candidates 1 offic~s will run individual. <" candIdate must have a 2. )IVcumulative GPA. ~'(>e flce of the Dean of Students" \l sign a slip with Mrs. Walker gi 1 ing name, office for which he i filing, GPA, hours carried, an class. Candidates need not obtai: Iculty, b Moving Day for the Vanguard. he pcop~ interes ~ _ '" ,\> _ ••r50n sai ,~\: ~\.\~ I.C ~'(\e represent; • Of ,,~'(~ i ,,"- sc~"''IJ'J'" \; that in h ~",\l. ~~\" '\.'(~ ~ 0\ ~(l, '\ u~"ncil, ele, ~·V ~\}g< ~'~#v...~i &\>I.i· <>~e oo",I.'one COl ueglllmng at 2 pm wlth the nca- ues. The parade route calls tor dler Wells, London's .Festival, or demic processional, is under ' th the caravan to w ind north on Ballet Russe there will be ballet supe.rvision of Dr. Will V. Nor- sixth to Oak west on Oak to in Portland this week. . f f h ' t PSC" A f I I l I I f rls, pro essor a p 'SiC' a 'Broadwav and south oIV..Brol\d- corps 0 oca a en h h b d II . , . . . IW d d th h F 'd eve- w 0 as een name co ege mar- way 10 tj,p hnnfll'c' ral,y at Dunl- ' e nes ay roug fJ ay shar a .. 1.._ ..":,,,~t• .•_.J . - ~;,nac ot.-tbo Cj"jo thsnt ......o