Here is the staff. Without them, there could have been no yearbook. In dosing, I would like to say that it's been great, kids, and I hope you're all back here next year. Orchids to: Jackie Brockman, for lending her talent and experience to a very green editor. Dan Peixotto and the rest of the Business Staff, for going over the top on advertising. Dr. Johnson, for all of his advice and assistance in publishing this book. Herb Perkins, for his work on the photography. To Roger Chaney, for his wonderful job on the Sports Section. All the rest of the staff, for their work, encouragement, and because they're all "good kids." Dr. Pierson, for taking a chance and giVing me the opportunity of being editor. I've loved every minute of it. Last, but not least, to Mr. Sandven. Sandy's name will be familiar to anyone who has worked on the book in the past. He is the standby who is always there and who knows more about putting out a yearbook than anyone around. NORMA BRADLEY HARMON OVERMIRE Layout Staff MIKE CRANE Taking it easy DIXIE MUNO ARLYCE FENSKE LOIS PETERSON Index Staff In this corner, KAY SWANSON and FRANCES MOORE