
}fis For the Well-Dressed . .. For him it was charcoal in grey or brown tones.... Sport coats took on an O xford air with heavy twe d and nubb.... Pink had a holiday. .. . Dress shirts wore button or pin down collars in Oxiord cloth. ... Ties were of regimental stripe in the hand woven wool. .. . Sla ks were narrower and. for fall and winter. in dark hues... . \Vith spring. ice cream flannel was dominant.... The leather sleeve jacket became a must.... Sun tans. faded blue denims. and cords topped with a "Strad" or Italian "T" 's were fall and spring attire.. .. White bucks. saddles. and desert boots completed the outfit... . This dre sed him in '55 . . ~ NUDELMAN BROS. 440 S. W. 4th