
Bill (and Elroy, , , any photographer) will remember Sharon's obsession with cameras, Larry will remember coming in every night with the family car, and Cleo win remember a warmed over chocolate ice cream cone, Mel will remember losing his feet and hair in drifts of sports pictures, Carol will remember Elroy's de~nition of rubber cement, and Kay will forever wonder how she got stuck with the education section, Dick will remember browsing through the photographs of the Portland State pulchritude-devastating, and Perry that he's a darn good artist, even if no one will remind him, What Sharon will remember is sli{1htly illegal so .~\1 have to remain off the record, but Bill has the negative available for ~ve dollars. We will all remember that Don Martin got the Au. Portland State should remember us for dedicating our youth to the publication of its yearbook and the phenomenal feat of avoiding a bitter attitude, We still love everybody, except people, , . they make fol' yearbooks. 313